How to keep your Love Relationship forever

Most people would love to have a great Love Relationship that work for them and yet there are as far from needy as you can get. In order to have great relationship, you need to blast out neediness out of your life. Genuine love cannot be cultivated or sustained in an environment of fear. So, if you want genuine love you need to find out what is motivating you to do so. So, are you motivated by negative emotions like doubt and fear like as fear so being permanently single or fear of growing old alone, doubtful that you will ever find the man of your dreams! OR if you are already in a relationship, fear that your partner will lose interest in you. Therefore thinking that the relationship will end or you will really grow distance with your man. Stop, stop, stop.

Love Relationship

Love relationship

If you want to have a Love Relationship that you always dream about then motivations of fear and doubt needs to be replaced by motivations of honesty, trust and love. As per relationship experts, Motivations are determined by how you feel about yourself. So, people who are motivated by fear and doubt almost always have really low perceptions of themselves and so do not have a lot of love as well as acceptance for who they really are.  As discussed earlier, how you feel about yourself is what determines your motivation and ultimately the quality and the nature of the relationship that you attract. Everything you think, do, feel or say out is colored and fed by your own perception of yourself.

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Keep this in mind, without self-love, you have no ability to attract the kind of relationships you really want to have in your life. Most of us would love to have a fantastic <u>love relationship</u> with our dream man or women but when your desired is fueled by neediness and inability to value and feel good about yourself, you are not likely to get what you want. Wanting a great relationship is totally different from the need to have one. People who need a relationship the most actually creating and sustaining their own isolation. When you refuse to prove for yourself what you want from others, you actually drive them further away. Here is how it usually works. When you are feeling disconnecting from your worth and power, it makes you feel alone and scared. This causes you to seek out that kind of support and acceptance from other people, such as men, that you are not providing out yourself. This is called neediness and drags people away from you. Nobody likes to have a relationship that feels like a big old boulder needing obligation on your shoulders. If you want to have a quality love relationship, the kind of person you most like to attract is most likely to be driven right away the moment he senses that.

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To save yourself from a neediness trap, all you need to do is start focusing on yourself first. You need to stop seeking validations and approvals from others and focus on giving priority to feeling truly happy and comfortable in your own skin. Make a conscious decision to let go your fear and doubts and decide to live with self-acceptance, courage and self-reliance. The ability to feel whole in yourself tends to pump up your irresistible muscles like never before. Without strength and character, you can never attract a man or relationship you want in your life. The fact is that, neediness and lack of support tends to drive men away. So, start loving yourself first and Love Relationship as well as everything else will follow along.

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